We start everything we do with an evidence-based discernment process. That is just an overly fancy way of saying we use benchmarked data through our assessments to first determine the internal health of your organization. This is an essential first step. Without this we can’t answer your organization’s questions about where you need to put energy for your future, who your next good leader fit is, or what is possible.

An organization is not unlike your body. Your doctor can’t answer the question “can I run a marathon” without first determining the state your body is currently in. The same is true for your congregation, school or regional association. Before we can ask the who, the what or the when we have to know the where. Where is your congregation currently in terms of health.

Why do we do it this way? Because it works. There is a very common phrase in the business world “what gets measured, gets done.” Those measurements must be objective, consistent, and clear. We do not just give you insight into a better way to be, we give you a clear way to measure your progress.

Our Consulting:

Synched: Our Strategic Planning Process 

Just like any organization, churches need to have a way they are intentionally moving toward a vital future. Synched helps create clear alignment within that church’s culture, paying careful attention to growth edges and low hanging fruit successes. This process leads to clear goals and milestones so the church has clarity in next steps that are both doable and measurable.

Bridgewalk: Clergy Transitions

Every church finds themselves in a clergy transition at some point in the life of the congregation. The best way to manage anxiety during these times of change is to ensure the congregation has ownership of both where they are and where they need to go. Bridgewalk helps churches work through the three important parts of any transition – the transition plan, the search process, and the start-up plan for the next clergy.

Restore: Our Conflict Management Work and Leadership Development 

For churches that are struggling with having tough conversations or find themselves stuck in conflict. Restore helps the congregational leadership and the congregation begin to find ways to heal, builds capacity to have tough conversations, and helps develop leadership that can see a way forward.

Online Consulting Sessions

Not every church finds itself in the place to invest in a full planning or transition process. We understand. These sessions allow for your church leadership to spend some time online with one of our consultants to help with next steps for whatever season your church is facing.